Company Naming

Stick in the minds of customers with a name your business can grow with.


Key Factors

Semantic Value

Does it convey the right idea or attitude to your audience?

Strategic Impact

Does it align with your business’ objectives and potential growth?

Phonetic Structure

Is it easy for people to remember and pronounce?


Is it legally ownable or would it be confusing in your local market?


Name Presentations

Vesta Wealth Advisors

25 Concepts Presented

Financial Advisor Group

Vesta Meaning: “Vesta” is the goddess of the center of the home. This points to the hearth, which is the center of warmth and life for the family – an analogy of a family’s financial health.

Vesta also offers an immediate connection to the concept of “investing.”


10 Concepts Presented

Luxury Travel Consultancy

Trova Meaning: Trova translates as “to find or discover” in Italian – the goal of any luxury adventure Trova creates for their clients. The simplicity and alliteration of the name “Trova Travel” adds an ease of memorability.

Trova Travel Group
Wood and Water Kitchen and Bath Studio

30 Concepts Presented

Kitchen & Bath Remodeling

Wood & Water Meaning: “Wood” and “Water” reference elements that are essential to a kitchen’s construction and function. The elemental alliteration adds a sophisticated sound to the brand’s name.


Naming Clients