What can you learn from these 5 iconic brands?

Have you ever looked at the apple on the back of your phone or the Coca-Cola script logo and wondered what it is that makes them stand apart as globally recognized brands? Today, we're taking a look at five iconic brands and a little behind the logos known by millions.

Some of these logos have remained virtually unchanged since they were created and others have adapted through the years, yet all of them find a profound impact through simplicity. Let's see what we can learn from them?


Apple, first and foremost, chose a name that was simple and allowed them to create a logo that said it all with one bite. The logo has held this same concept since 1976. It’s simple and sleek, just like their products.


This logo’s traditional cursive font has remained largely unchanged longer than most companies have existed. That’s part of the beauty behind the brand, though. And due to the brand’s incredible fan base, it’s one that is set to last until the end of time and remain one of the world’s favorite drinks. Keeping its logo just as it was since 1887 shows Coca-Cola’s innovation through embracing its history.


Those golden arches are iconic everywhere. Ever been to a foreign country and see that "M" grace the skyline? It feels like home. No matter the country or the language, the golden arches mean McDoubles and hot French fries. It’s a brand strategy that has made McDonald’s one of the largest fast food chains and most widely known restaurants in the world. A golden “M” — who knew?



Have you ever looked at the evolution of Pepsi’s brand? Did you know that for its first 50 years, its logo was a script font similar to Coca-Cola? You may have seen it in their recent campaigns as they've aimed to build on their brand's history. It was competing to be the most sought after soft drink, but copying its biggest competitor was not the way to do it. Now Pepsi is a simple circle with red, white and blue. No words necessary, not even “Pepsi” for people to know what they are drinking.

Microsoft Windows

Though Windows has always had the same concept of the look of a four-paned window, the simplicity has progressed to today. There used to be many pixels and colors showing almost a flag-like look to the window. Now? Four angled windowpanes in solid blue. Simple but recognized around the world. They stayed true to the concept, but have refined it for a greater impact.

It’s always fascinating to see how brands have changed over the years. Some, like Coca-Cola and Ford, have had similar logos since the start of the company. Others, like Pepsi or FedEx, have had to go through major revamps of the brand in order to reach the status the company sits at now. The brands that stay successful, though? Regardless of adjustments over the years, those are the ones that stayed true to their message behind the brand and simplified it in a way that with one glance, people know exactly what company they see.

What does your logo communicate to people?

If you look at it compared to other logos, particularly in your industry, do you think your brand could be classified as iconic or memorable? If the answer is no, then it’s time for a revamp. Take some time and consider the message behind your company. Not what you do, but why you exist.

Not ready for a redesign? No problem! Check out the 5 Step Branding Makeover for some simple ways you can strengthen your brand even without a new logo.

Tucker King